Hotel Del
An ideal summer and winter resort at the terminal of the
Yosemite Valley Railroad, just one mile from the Yosemite
National Park boundary and at a elevation of 2000 feet above
sea level.
Contains 130 Guest Rooms - Large Lobby Ladies Sitting Room -
Gentlemen's Smok- ing Room - Club Room and Barber Shop
Electric Lighted - Steam Heated - Station- ary Wash Bowl with
Hot and Cold Water in Every room - Electric Bells - Rooms
Single or En Suite, with or without baths.
Hotel Del Portal is also located on the of- ficial Automobile
Road into Yosemite National Park. The Yosemite Transpor- tation
Co., have an up-to-date Garage at El Portal. All automobile
supplies and repairs can be had, with free parking and
storage privileges. There is also an Auto- mobile Stage Line
operated during the open season from Hotel Del Portal to the
Merced and Toulumne Big Tree Groves, a most enjoyable One Day Trip,
at a very reasonable charge.
Rates $4 and $5 a day, American Plan
Special Weekly and Monthly Rates
F. A. CLINE, Manager