Del Portal Hotel - Ad
Clipping from Sun Set Magazine January 1909

Hotel Del

An ideal summer and winter resort at the
terminal of the Yosemite Valley Railroad,
just one mile from the Yosemite National
Park boundary and at a elevation of 2000
feet above sea level.

Contains 130 Guest Rooms - Large Lobby
Ladies Sitting Room - Gentlemen's Smok-
ing Room - Club Room and Barber Shop
Electric Lighted - Steam Heated - Station-
ary Wash Bowl with Hot and Cold Water
in Every room - Electric Bells - Rooms
Single or En Suite, with or without baths.

Hotel Del Portal is also located on the of-
ficial Automobile Road into Yosemite
National Park. The Yosemite Transpor-
tation Co., have an up-to-date Garage at
El Portal. All automobile supplies and
repairs can be had, with free parking and
storage privileges. There is also an Auto-
mobile Stage Line operated during the
open season from Hotel Del Portal to the
Merced and Toulumne Big Tree Groves, a
most enjoyable One Day Trip, at a very
reasonable charge.

Rates $4 and $5 a day, American Plan
Special Weekly and Monthly Rates

F. A. CLINE, Manager
This ad was copied from:
Foley's Yosemite Souvenir and Guide 1916