June 30, 1911
Merced County Sun

Jose Gonzales Killed and His Brother Manuel
Injured at Rock Crusher at Exchequer.

(From Tuesday's Daily.)

      A frightful accident occurred at the rock crushing plant of the Yosemite Stone Company at Exchequer Monday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, when Jose Gonzales was killed and his brother, Manuel, injured by a dynamite blast. The company was blasting on the hillside, and in some way the two brothers were caught in the explosion. Jose Gonzales was frightfully mangled, both arms being blown off. He lived five minutes. His brother, Manuel, was brought to the Merced sanitorium. His body was bruised considerably by the flying rock, but his injuries are not considered serious.

      Dr. Lilley and Dr. Davis were rushed to Exchequer in the Y. V. railroad motor car as soon as the news reached Merced. They brought Manuel to the sanitorium, while the body of his dead brother will be brought down tonight by undertaker Nordgren.