Yosemite Valley Passenger Amenities Harvey House

The Merced

Santa Fe passengers transferring to or from the Yosemite Valley trains would
take their meals at the Fred Harvey dining establishment at 24th and K streets.
The Fred Harvey company was well known for outstanding service. In fact local
residents periodically dinned at the Harvey Houses. In the late 1920's the Merced
Harvey House stopped serving meals.

Fred Harvey's Eating House on the Santa Fe Railway in Merced
Fred Harvey Collection (AZ 326) University of Arizona
Track side view - photographer was standing on YVRR property.

Fred Harvey's Eating House on the Santa Fe Railway in Merced
Fred Harvey Collection (AZ 326) University of Arizona.
View from "K" Street.

Fred Harvey's Eating House on the Santa Fe Railway in Merced
Fred Harvey Collection (AZ 326) University of Arizona.
The lunch counter.

Fred Harvey's Eating House on the Santa Fe Railway in Merced
Fred Harvey Collection (AZ 326) University of Arizona.
The dining room.

Fred Harvey's Eating House on the Santa Fe Railway in Merced
Photo: MCHS-Courthouse Museum
"K" street view

Fred Harvey's Eating House on the Santa Fe Railway in Merced
Photo: MCHS-Courthouse Museum
Kitchen side

Fred Harvey's Eating House on the Santa Fe Railway in Merced
Photo: Postcard image
View from track side.

For More Harvey House Information
@ Univ. Arizona