PAGE #4.
"The cry of T-I-M-B-E-R breaks the
stillness of the forest,

A mighty monarch crashes to earth ---
the reverberations echoing and re-echoing --"

Picture it yourself - a giant Yosemite Sugar Pine - 150 to 175 feet or
more in height - poised unsteadily on its stump a short second - and
down to earth it goes - a bole 3 to 7 feet in diameter, ready for the limbers
and buckers.

This is the source of the "King of Pines" - Yosemite Sugar Pine, a true
five-needle genuine White Pine, which high altitude and passing of
the centuries have served to mellow, thus yeilding a lumber that is not-
ably straight grained, of corky texture, durable and easily worked.

Yosemite Sugar Pine is actually a Premium Pine -
and buyers everywhere not yet acquainted with
Yosemite standards of manufacture and service are
urged to put this organization to the test on their
future needs in Selects, Factory Lumber, Pattern
Lumber and Yard Stocks - air seasoned with scrupu-
lous care or scientifically kiln dried.

YOSEMITE Yosemite Sugar Pine Lumber Co.
General Office, Mill and Yard