Remnants of the Yosemite Valley Railroad
(Owned and Preserved by Pacific Locomotive Association)

Baggage/Mail/REA #107
Photographs: Charles Guest
These photographs were taken in 1985 and 1984 respectively at Castro Point near Richmond, California.
Car now operates on the Nile Canyon Railway, the succesor to the Pacific Locomotive Association, at
Niles, California.
Occasionally, the Niles Canyon Railway will couple baggage/mail/REA number 107 with
Observation coach number 330 --- a reminder of the days prior to the death of the YVRR.

Before being obtained by the Pacific Locomotive Association, number 107 was owned by the Virginia and Truckee Railroad. After the V&T ceased operations the 107 was used by the A. D. Schader Company as an office car in their railroad construction business.
The 107 in a very short consist at Carson City, Nevada
Painted in the V&T livery the 107 rests at Carson City, Nevada
The 107 as it appeared while property of the A.D. Schader Company.