Step Two: Gather Supplies You
Will Need
After the weapon has been unloaded and inspected,
the supplies needed for this process should be gathered. These
- Two paper towels
- One soft cotton cloth
- One white china marker
- A few ounces of 99 percent Isopropyl Rubbing

A few words about the "China Marker"
since it is the central focus of the process of making white lettering
on firearms.
The "China Marker" is just that.
"China Marker" is not slang for some other product.
It is basically a 'grease pencil' that is marketed by Sanford
which is used to mark plates and other ceramic items. Their product
number is 02060 for the Peel-Off white marker. They also make
this item in other colors, black or red may be used with interesting
results on Stainless Steel firearms. As of this writing (March
2002) McWhorters Stationary
carries this product or can order it.

on to Step Three
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November 26, 2003
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