The next few pages are set forth to illustrate
how I make white lettering on my rifles shotguns and other firearms.
This information is presented for informational purposes only
and is NOT a guide or directions.
I feel that it is important to pass on to others a little of what
I learn, (and a lot of people have helped to teach this stuff
to me), and in response to people asking me how I made the letters
and number on the rifle appear so nicely in the photographs on
the M1 Garand site, I have decided to present that information
here. Before you continue to the next page you must agree to the
Please note what this site is and what it
is not.
- It is NOT a guide or instruction manual.
- It is NOT in any way offering advice.
- It is NOT a substitute for real training
and instruction of any kind.
- It IS intended as a source to illustrate
how I do things.
- It IS up to you to seek out REAL training
from an expert and not rely on this page.
READ THIS: For obvious reasons I do NOT
recommend any of the procedures written about on this website.
This is, for good or for ill, how *I* work on my firearms. I have
not been trained by any experts and I may be doing something dangerous
to myself or to my firearms. Do NOT try any of these techniques
yourself. Get a competent and certified gunsmith to help and instruct
you you. By continuing further you must agree to indemnify
and hold harmless all persons or companies connected with this
website and affirm that you are going to use this information
solely as a window of education into how the writer works on his
own property and as such you understand that it may be a window
into a fools paradise and will hold all parties associated totally
I do
agree to the above stipulations and conditions and I wish
to continue to the next page.
I do not agree
with the above stipulations and conditions and wish to go someplace
Please feel free to
explore the other sections of this website:
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[Our CMP M1 Garand Rifles] [CMP Ammunition] [M1 Parts Photographs & Nomenclature]
[M1 Garand Accessories] [A Little Important Humor] [Links to Other M1 Garand Sites]
This page was last updated on:
November 26, 2003
In order to use this site you must read and agree to what is on
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