is pleased to
offer the M1 Garand aficionado community the following wallpaper for your systems.
Click on the image below that you
would like to consider using for wallpaper. You will be taken to another page
where the image will load full size and you will be presented with directions
on how to make it your wallpaper there. Enjoy! M1
Garand on 48 Star Flag - No Bayonet 45 Percent Actual Size Image 
M1 Garand on 48 Star Flag - With Bayonet
45 Percent Actual Size Image 
"American Icons" (Designed
By A Reader of This Site) 45 Percent Actual Size Image 
you have any questions or corrections please feel free to write me. Charles Please
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June 16, 2007 Copyright 2000 - 2007 © by