Side by side views of our M1 Garand Rifles All
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The older M1 Garand rifle (serial number
225,xxx) was made in 1941 It is pictured at the top. The lower one (serial number
5,42x,xxx) was made in the late 1950s. On first look you can see obvious differences
in the condition of the stocks and the general wear on the metal.
Older and younger brother side by side. On
the left you can barely see one of the two 'dings' on the newer stock. Other than
this one imperfection and another one on the foregrip the stock and handgrips
on the 5 million series Garand was nearly perfect. Both Garands had grips that
matched their stocks perfectly.
The barrels and Gas Cylinders of the M1's.
The older M1 (on the top) has a lot less finish. The gas cylinder finish on the
newer rifle is pretty worn down too. (Stainless steel is hard to keep black.)
Pistol Grip area of both M1's. Note the brass 'pins' which were placed to
reinforce the stock of the older M1 Garand. A reproduction of an army maintenance
manual that I have mentions that it was common practice to do this with small
brass screws and then to file the heads off. The beautiful grain of the walnut
on the 1950s Garand is also apparent in this shot.
Another shot of the repair/reinforcement
of the older stock. 
Chips and dings are quite evident on the
older rifle. As you can see above the rack number there is a pretty good chunk
taken out of the stock. there were several smaller ones as well.
In this pic from the bottom (with the trigger
groups removed) you can see another expertly done repair job around the action-well.
Note the brass 'pins'. Its also interesting to note that the newer rifle and trigger
group slip in very snugly to the stock. 
What the older stock lacked in beauty it
made up for in history. There were three distinct markings on the stock. The first
on the pistol grip was a P in a circle. This is a proofer's mark. It almost looks
like this was struck twice one on top of the other. The second mark reads 'SA' and is in a square
box. It ooks like something was once embossed into the wood below this stamp but
it has been sanded or worn away. The third mark is an RIA-EB mark. I have
it on good authority that this is a rebuild mark for the Rock Island Armory. [2003
Note: According to Bruce Canfield - The "EB" marking represents Elmer Milton Bjerke.
He went to work at Rock Island Arsenal on February 20, 1939 as a classified laborer
assembling small arms. In September of 1940 he was promoted to Shop Inspector
under the supervision of Frank Krack ("FK"). During WWII, Bjerke was one of many
inspectors working at RIA. On January 6, 1947 Bjerke became Foreman of Small Arms
Inspection and his "EB" cartouche began to be used. He held this position until
1958. Therefore, the "EB" marking indicates that the weapon was overhauled at
Rock Island between 1947 and 1958.]
There is one other part on the pistol grip
on the older rifle that looks a tiny like a hairline crack where a vestige of
a knot is. [2003 Note:
The CMP later replaced this stock for me for free as it was in rather rough shape.
Click here for more details on how they treated
me when we had problems with this M1 or continue on to the
next page.] Next
Page READ THIS:For obvious reasons I do
NOT recommend any of these procedures. This section covers, for good or for ill,
how *I* work on my Garand Rifles. I have not been trained by any experts and I
may be doing something dangerous to myself or my rifle. Do NOT try any of these
techniques yourself. Get a competent and certified gunsmith to help and instruct
you you. By continuing further you must agree to indemnify and hold harmless all
persons or companies connected with this website and affirm that you are going
to use this information solely as a window of education into how the writer works
on his own property and as such you understand that it may be a window into a
fools paradise. If you
have any questions or corrections please feel free to write me. Charles Please
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